Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rub a Dub Dub

This initially started as a side project for my etsy site--I was going to buy a bunch of crappy hotel art and add my own narrative on top, with the end goal of selling the products to hipsters.  I failed miserably, as I fell in love with the end product.  Hard.  I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to part with any of it. 

Anyway, some exposition.  I went to Ross with the intent of buying their cheapest, crappiest art with the lamest subjects.  They did not disappoint.  It's amazing what hideousness you can buy for a mere $3.49. I'm pretty sure I looked insane as I pored over the piles of shellacked prints at the back of the store.  After about 10 minutes of deliberation (because honestly, that's all any of it deserved) I made my way to the front of the store to pay for my purchases.  Fun fact:  it is oddly mortifying to be the weirdo buying tons of crappy art at Ross.  Even though the checkout clerk clearly did not give a rip about my motivation, I still felt compelled to explain myself...and then didn't...and then regretted it. 

Embarrassment aside, I left with some "good" ammo for my project.  
For my first attempt, I started with this banal look at a baƱo.
(Apologies for the picture...I wasn't too careful about taking good before shots with this first set.)

Okay, you can't give me a terrible bathroom scene without some sort of action.  Bathrooms are boring.  And sometimes gross.  This one has a weirdly disproportionate rug and an old-timey tub.  And frankly, it isn't doing it for me.  

Let's add a little interest right


Isn't that better?  I thought so, too.