Thursday, January 30, 2014

Where We're Going, We Don't NEED Maps!

For whatever reason, maps seem to be popular stock art.  I get it; they're bland (and thus non-offensive), (moderately) informative, and (sometimes...although rarely) interesting.
Whenever I see these dull pieces of stock art, I can't help but think of this classic dialogue from Arrested Development:

Narrator: Thanks to the family’s largesse, Buster has studied everything from Native American tribal ceremonies... to cartography: the mapping of uncharted territories.
Michael: Hasn’t everything already sort of been discovered, though by, like, Magellan and Cortés, ...
Buster: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Michael: NASA...all those folks?
Buster: Those guys did a pretty good job. to make a map interesting?  For me, the natural conclusion was to take my dino buddy... the final frontier:
...'till next time, may all your hotel art be interesting...or at least fun to mock.
xoxo, bridget


P.S. Just in case the reference in the title eluded you:

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